Welcome to AgitatedAlice's Infodump

The provisional home of media and information produced and procured by AgitatedAlice


Welcome to my website, however you got here. This is where I was supposed to put a lot of stuff. As you can see, I really suck at remember that I have this space.

Generally, I am at a period in my life where my online prescence is generally decreasing to the point of complete obscurity. I would write more, but i have so little to say these days. The people that used to know me would find this very unusual. I do not know what else to write here. Below are the sorry remnants of some grand website design concept I had once. Each list item was supposed to link to a page on that specific interest. Life is an overwhelming thing for me these days. I am very much alone in this cosmos. If you find this, I don't know where you got it from, but I will leave it up for the stupid list of interests and the meme I made.

Have a good one! ~ Alice

My Interests:

Junkposting zone(bandwidth heavy!!!) Alice's log(cringe heavy!!!)

Offsite links: